Lukas Bolte

Postdoctoral Fellow, CMU Social and Decision Sciences

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2025, I will join the Department of Economics at Tilburg University as an Assistant Professor.

Here is my CV.

I work on behavioral economics and microeconomic theory.

Contact Information:
Department of Social and Decision Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Profile Picture


Published and forthcoming papers

"Motivated Mislearning: The Case of Correlation Neglect" with Tony Q. Fan
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2024, 217, 647–663

"Robust contracting under double moral hazard" with Gabriel D. Carroll
Theoretical Economics, 2023, 18 (4), 1623–1663

Working papers

"Emotional Inattention" with Collin B. Raymond

"The Role of Referrals in Immobility, Inequality, and Inefficiency in Labor Markets" with Nicole Immorlica and Matthew O. Jackson
Accepted at the Journal of Labor Economics

"What You Don't Know May Hurt You: Preferences Over Mental And External States" with Gonzalo R. Arrieta

"Interactions across multiple games: cooperation, corruption, and organizational design" with Jonathan B. Bendor, Nicole Immorlica, and Matthew O. Jackson

Work in progress

"The Role of Memory in Beliefs Formation" with Markus M. Mobius, Tanya S. Rosenblat, and Pierre-Luc Vautrey

"The Welfare Costs of False Beliefs" with Gonzalo R. Arrieta and B. Douglas Bernheim

"One-time fiscal events: Behavioral responses, optimality, and evidence" with Augustin Bergeron and Jakob A. Brounstein